In the Church

Ministry & Serving Opportunities

Pastor’s Aide Committee

Pastor’s Aide Committee provides support to the needs of the Pastor and his family. Their actions lead the congregation in showing love and gratitude to the pastoral family.

The Media Ministry

The Media Ministry is responsible for overseeing the maintenance and technical aspects of worship services. To fulfill their duties, they produce and edit videos, stream broadcasts, produce graphics, and post to all social media platforms.

Facilities Support 

Facilities Support volunteers services and talent to beautify the worship facilities and create an elegant space  to fellowship.

Youth and Young Adult Ministry

Youth and Young Adult Ministry experience age appropriate messages from God’s Word.  Our children’s service is designed to hold the interest of the children with Bible games, singing, as well as Old and New Testament stories.

The Deacon’s Board

The Deacon’s Board consists of men that are appointed by the Pastor to oversee and fulfill ministries connected to the collecting of offering and assistance in the administration of communion, patrolling the church facilities, security, prayer, teaching and assisting where needed.

The Deaconess Board

The Deaconess Board consists of deacons wives that provide spiritual and natural support to their husbands, Pastor and church members.  The deaconess prepares communion on First Sundays (1 Timothy 3:11).

Greeters/Member Services

Greeters/Member Services provide members and guests first touch interaction before entering the sanctuary. Greeters are love agents, offering smiles, hugs, handshakes, words of encouragement and directions, with the mindset of thanksgiving and praise.

Regenerated Wellness 

Regenerated Wellness provides weekly and/or monthly wellness tips on all things pertaining to health, and coordinates fitness classes and other wholesome physical activities. 

Guest Services/Care Ministry

Guest Services/Care Ministry is a group of individuals, organized to show kindness in hosting special guests and visitors.

Kingdom Men Ministry

Kingdom Men Ministry Male centered organization with the goal to build relationships and discipline men through fellowship and the word, with a vision of men making a positive difference in their homes, on their jobs and in their community.

CCJewels Women’s Ministry

CCJewels Women’s Ministry is a place where women are empowered to seek a higher level of spiritual maturity in Christ, equip women to serve in the church and create an atmosphere that promotes fellowship, support and unity among the women.

The Couples Ministry

The Couples Ministry is a platform to help build and improve married couples’ relationships through the power and wisdom of God’s word. The couples attend events and outings to strengthen their foundation such as date nights, seminars, game nights, zoom fellowships and retreats.

The Ministerial Staff

The Ministerial Staff are ordained Men and Women of God who assist in the spiritual leadership of the church. These responsibilities may include: Holy Communion, hospital visitation, outreach, evangelism, and sharing of the preached word.

The Music Department

The Music Department is made up of men and women, who have been graced with the ability to offer up praise to God through music. 

Creative Arts 

Creative Arts is a form of worship to give praise and thanksgiving to our Lord and Savior through dancing, theatrical arts and creative expression.

Outreach and Evangelism Ministry

Outreach and Evangelism Ministry’s purpose is to carry out the great commission given by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ “to go into all of the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) and to fulfill the ministry of reconciliation by means of our monthly evangelism efforts to those who are hurting or in need and to share the gospel of Christ with every man.

The Scholarship / Education Committee

The Scholarship / Education Committee oversees the endowment program, promotes and encourages the power of education within the congregation; provides assistance with obtaining college financial aid and all educational endeavors.

The Usher Board

The Usher Board  functions to meet, greet and seat the parishioners as they enter the sanctuary.  The ushers are an extension of the greeters, serving as watchmen, doorkeepers, and servants.

Boys 2 Men

Boys 2 Men encourages growth in young men, developing self-discipline, self-assurance, leadership and most all, a love for God.  The goal is to ensure that each young man will have the tools to act responsibly in his family, church, school, and community.  Expose our young leaders to successful Christian men in the academic, corporate, social, political, and religious fields.

Teen Jewels

Teen Jewels ministry targets young ladies ages 13-21.  It is a comprehensive curriculum developed for young women.  The mission is to reach, encourage, and guide young ladies with goal setting, spiritual growth, self-esteem, health & wellness, charm & etiquette, finances and community awareness.